If you and your partner have a difficult time getting pregnant, turn to Earthy Ruby in Cupertino, California. Our skilled team offers holistic and all-natural fertility treatments to increase your chance of conceiving. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.

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What are fertility treatments?

Fertility treatments at Earthy Ruby consists of all-natural treatments that increase your chance of becoming pregnant without harsh medications or invasive and expensive procedures. You may have infertility if you and your partner haven’t been able to get pregnant after a year of trying.

Earthy Ruby uses different types of massage therapy, acupuncture, and holistic Chinese medicine to help you conceive naturally.

What are the risk factors for infertility?

The cause of infertility isn’t always known, but some factors that increase your risk of experiencing it include:

  • Medical problems
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits
  • Gynecological issues in women
  • Reduced sperm production in men
  • Poor quality sperm in men
  • Some medical treatments
  • Older age
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Being overweight or underweight

Regardless of what’s causing infertility, treatment with the Earthy Ruby team can dramatically increase your chance of conceiving naturally.

What are the benefits of fertility treatments?

Some of the many benefits you can expect by choosing fertility treatments at Earthy Ruby include:

  • All-natural solutions
  • Reduced stress
  • Less anxiety
  • Improvements in your overall health
  • No harsh medications
  • Noninvasive procedures

Holistic fertility treatments stimulate your body’s natural ability to function at its best.

Are fertility treatments right for me?

To find out if you’re a candidate for fertility treatments at Earthy Ruby, your specialist discusses your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences with you. They tailor each fertility treatment to match your unique needs and desired outcome.

What are common holistic infertility treatments?

Some of the many fertility treatments available at Earthy Ruby include:

Therapeutic massage

The Earthy Ruby team applies manual pressure to muscles and other soft tissues to reduce tension, pain, and energy imbalances, while maximizing fertility.


Acupuncture is another alternative treatment for infertility. Your specialist inserts tiny needles into targeted areas of your body to reduce pain, maximize healing, enhance wellness, and improve fertility naturally.

Chinese medicine

Trying herbs or other types of Chinese medicine maximizes your overall health and improves your chance of conceiving with your partner.

The Earthy Ruby team often combines more than one alternative-medicine solution to give you the best chance of getting pregnant and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

To learn more about the all-natural fertility treatments available at Earthy Ruby and find one that’s best for you, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.